
Our House Rules

Rules to Make It More Enjoyable for All of Our Guests

We have a few house rules to make sure all our guests will enjoy their stay with us.

Our keywords are respect and love to one another.

  • Prepayment when checking in after 12 p.m.
  • Minors cannot make a reservation on their own. If an adult makes a reservation for a minor, this person will be bearing the responsibility for the minor. Full contact information to the responsible adult has to be presented to the reception.
  • No alcohol is allowed, in the premises
  • The hostel requires peace and quiet after 10 p.m.. We feel it is important to respect other guests
  • No smoking is allowed indoors. Smoking is allowed, outside, on the opposite side of the street of the hostel
  • If the fire alarm goes off, the person responsible for this will be charged. Cigarettes, vaporizors, deodorant spray and hair spray can set off the fire alarm.
  • All damange and sabotage will be charged
  • The hostel takes no responsibility for belongings of guests, in the common areas
  • Check-out: 11.00 a.m.
  • Pets are not allowed. 



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